Wednesday, 23 November 2011


Recently I have become aware of myself getting restless with my place in life. Perhaps it's due to the different ways I have been spending my time as of late. Used to be that most days were predetermined; get up, make coffee, smoke at least 3 cigarettes (which I no longer do!!!), drive to my job, work all day, come home, cook dinner, sleep, repeat. Now, no two days are the same, and I find myself at a loss with what to fill them with. Obviously I don't actually have TONS of time to work with, I do have a 6 month old and house to take care of. But the small blocks of scattered time that I do have? I feel they are being wasted. In all reality, I am looking for something I can actually attempt to make a living doing. I am envious of these ladies I keep running across, who, it seems to me, have it all figured out. They have these fantastic careers they love, skills out the Wazoo and the freedom to take their job where ever they may go. Don't get me wrong, I have skills... ;) I'm just not sure they are as transferrable as I'd like, and have the feeling I should add to my resume.
Heres where we involve the listeners. I am soliciting help. Those of you who follow, and know me well enough to make a suggestion, please feel free to make one! I invite it. What do you think I should pursue as a plausible career path? Your words may well be the spark I need to light this fire. I have a few ideas of my own in mind, but I am curious to see if anyone else comes across the same ones!

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