Sunday, 20 November 2011

Coffee Shops Conquered, onto the next!

Monday morning will lead me into yet another new adventure! I will be attending Strong Start for the first time. (StrongStart BC is a free, drop-in early learning program for preschool-aged children accompanied by a parent or caregiver)  While nervous, I am excited to be meeting new people with new little ones. I've recently come to terms with the fact that amongst my friends, no one has children my daughters age. While this currently isn't a big problem, in the future, it might be nice to have a playmate or two for her that isn't old enough to be graduating from High school! Since I don't envision any of said friends suddenly getting the urge to pop out any more kidlets, social mixers, here we come! I will be attending with a safety net though, not flying solo on this mission. This is bigger than those coffee shops, people...I need a wing man, or woman in this case! My friends mother, who is like a surrogate mother to me (one of many that I have, I'm so lucky!) will be there as well, phew! It's always nice to have a buffer between you and the unknown! I'm sure when all is said and done, this will have been a silly fear, as it was before. But right now...knees are a knockin!
And now for something completely different... Have you ever had the feeling that life is somehow cyclical? I am currently experiencing a situation so strikingly similar to one in my past that I am convinced it is. Maybe I am meant to learn something this time around that escaped me previously. I can only pray the lesson is a happy one this time. The most frustrating part of the whole situation is, as before, my complete inability to change the outcome. I can only hope and pray that things will turn out well. Hold your loved ones close...I know I am.

1 comment:

  1. You will love StrongStart. It is an amazing network of people that are going through what you are, and it's a great time to let the kids try new thing. Ours loved it so much there an I was terrified my first time too. I could have written your post - honest!! Enjoy and have fun!!
