Phew, what a busy few days! The momentum is still here, just thought I'd take a tiny break for a little blog therapy.
Yesterday was a package explosion in this house. Two packages delivered for x-mas, (thanks Uncle Bill), my package AND bridesmaids dresses...yay! I love getting things in the mail. Now a days I don't even get bills because I've opted for online statements. SO anything that isn't a Home Hardware flyer is exciting. Yes, even the reminders from the dentist bring a smile to my face! Literally ;)
On top of that excitement, Miss Hailey started veggies for the first time yesterday. This time around I am making my own baby food, with assistance from my trusty Baby Bullet (thanks Lynne!). I had the best intentions with my son, but I was young, and being so, found it was easier to just be lazy. Sorry bud... I decided to start with sweet potatoes, they're sweet but still have a nutty taste reminiscent of a veggie. To my delight, she accepted them! Granted, she didn't exactly jump for joy, she also didn't immediately spit them in my face! Success.
Things with the wedding planning are also starting to cement themselves and my excitement is palpable. It's nice to finally feel happy about things instead of the dread that had begun to take over any thought associated with the wedding.
I decided to take some of the joy from my day and bake it into some goodies for the ones I love. Nothing better than a chocolate chip cookie fresh out of the oven...especially if they're mint chocolate chip!
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