Friday, 30 December 2011

Unconditionally yours

un·con·di·tion·al  (nkn-dsh-nl)
Without conditions or limitations; absolute
This adjective can be used in many different ways, but today I bring it up in the context of friendship. If you are my friend, I love you this way. I may, from time to time, disagree with something you do, but I will always support your decisions. If I see you walking a destructive path, I will do my best to steer you down a different road. It might be my opinion that someone you are dating is perhaps less than good enough for you, and I may find it necessary to let you know this...once, after which I will step back and let you live your life.  I may want to say "I told you so" if said relationship does not work out, but I will try my darnest not to and hope you will forgive me if I slip, it was only because I care so deeply. I will always be there to bolster your self esteem, assure you that you are a beautiful, wonderful amazing individual that it is my honour to have as part of my life. If for some reason we end up far apart and we don't talk as often as we would both like, I will still love you. I will understand that you have a busy life, a full and engaging existance that will sometimes prevent you from tying yourself down to a phone. When we do talk it will be as if we were never separated. I will always cherish time spent together, will always wish there was more of it. When you grow I grow with you. You, my friend, have made an indelible impression on me. Thank you.

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