Also, for every lady out there who would like to think that there is no way they will ever turn into a "Bridezilla", think again! It will creep up on you. There is nothing you can do. Besides one incident with my favour bags being first late, then wrong, then breaking when I tried to use them, I was a rather sunny, happy bride.* I managed to make it all the way to the day of the wedding before I turned. I think I know how Bruce Banner must feel when he starts to change into the Hulk. You know the transformation has begun, are fully aware that it is occurring, but you are seemingly powerless to stop it. I have a vague memory of telling one of my Bridesmaids to put on her dress. Now, this statement may seem like a friendly directive, harmless in it's simplicity, but it was obvious from the hurry with which she put on her dress, my delivery was neither friendly nor spunky.
The only thing a Bride can hope for on her wedding day is people who can calm her down enough to realise things will be fine. Special people who can convince her that, no, you didn't leave the rings at the hotel, relax. Wonderful, understanding people who will stand and pose and smile endlessly while her amazing photographer gets the perfect shot. I had these people, have these people and can only hope to hold onto all of these people through the many years to come. I love you all. Thank you for being part of my life.
*This statement was made by the bride herself and has not been reviewed by qualified persons, nor has it been confirmed as fact.
Congratulations!!! Katie did a fantastic job on your photos, you all looked stunning. Thanks for writing about your big day, I've been seeing the pics on FB and been waiting to hear about it :)