As I write this, my lovely, adorable, sweet baby girl is screaming her face off. Now you may be thinking; "Why are you blogging then?!? How terrible!" and I don't blame you. You may not agree with the "Cry it out" method, you have every right to your own opinion, but please don't vilify me for making this choice, because trust me, it wasn't an easy one. I don't enjoy listening to my darling daughter cry, quite the opposite. I have come to the conclusion that I am not doing my little one any favours by holding her to sleep. It may be comforting, and I may even enjoy doing it from time to time. She is 8 months old now and I know that one of the reasons she is crying is because she is pissed at me for having the audacity to think I have the option of putting her to sleep
before she falls asleep in my arms. Ah, the age of awareness. She is also crying because she is exhausted. She will keep herself awake as long as she possibly can, as most babies her age tend to do. She doesn't want to miss a thing, and who can blame her. All I am attempting to do is enable her to enjoy these things happily, as well as safely. Now that she is 8 months old, she has also discovered that she is able to not only crawl, but pull herself up onto the furniture, so as to offer a better view of her surroundings and where she may next cause havoc. This is stressful enough, adding a baby who is drowsy to the mixture of corners, coffee tables, and hardwood floors is a nightmare. She is clumsy when fully rested, I don't think I need to elaborate on how things go with no nap. To all the Mommies out there who have, are or will be struggling thru the no-napping baby, hugs! I may not do it gracefully (I bawled my eyes out this morning...again) but I am a Mom to the best of my abilities and this is just another day, tomorrow
will go better. I have to go though...her 20 min nap is done! :S
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