I digress, I mentioned being back, and snivelling will not help me now. I have spent most of the day trying to catch up on the things that get out of hand when you fall ill. My wonderful man stayed home from work yesterday to help me with the kids and cooked dinner, as he also did the evening prior. I can't begin to tell you how thankful I am for this. All I could think all weekend, in the midst of feeling sorry for myself, was "How am I going to do this once he goes back to work?" I realise that women everywhere manage being sick while having to tend their children and housework all at the same time, and I sound like a big baby. I will fully admit this without shame. When I have a head cold, or any other malady of the head, I turn into a gigantic one! I am almost as pathetic as a man when they are sick... ;)
Now, only a little tickle in the back of my throat, with laundry dishes and vacuuming done, I can complain about my menial misfortune to you via my blog and perhaps garner some undeserved pity...hey, I'd do it for you ;)
dude i wish i was there once agen! but i'm so glad you have your man. YOU are aloud to be sick and it always happends to the best of us at the worst time." i'm not saying their is ever a good one" but yes you very much have my pity and the hope that your little ones don't get it eather. hugs and kiss'